How To O.C.D. your life - The Clean in O.C.D.
Have you ever cleaned your mirror or household surface and said “wow I can see my own reflection?” It always feels good to feel the satisfaction of seeing a job well done! Well guess what ladies? You are doing a great job and I am proud of you!
This month's theme is reflection; and cleaning metaphorically and literally goes hand in hand with the topic of the month.

We all have a daily routine in which cleaning is an integral part. But do we ever slow down and reflect on what we are cleaning and why?
AJ DeClutter Me can help with this age old question. We are a small black female owned business that provides home and business organizational services coupled with residential and commercial cleaning services. We live by the abbreviation O.C.D. Organize. Clean. DeClutter.
Clean. Cleaning is a daily task and many times we brush it to the side. We focus on other priorities or add it to the bottom of the mile long to-do list. We also do this in our minds. We chose not to reflect on the things that bother us or the responsibilities we have disregarded. Whether we are cleaning or reflecting, we must slow down. Yes, slow down. Reflection, when neglected, can cause long term obstacles. This also applies to cleaning.
In my life, I would go go go until I couldn’t go anymore. I would catch a cold, I would lose a client, or I would fail an assignment. Many hours of heartache and headaches could have been avoided if I had slowed to reflect and meditate. I needed to clean up my schedule, my self-care regimen and my daily routine.
Next steps: Ladies, I encourage you everyday to take five minutes to “reflect.” This time may include: cleaning up your schedule, cleaning up your space, or slowing down and sitting in silence. We must take #ajdeclutterMeTime each day to slow down and reflect on our lives, our goals, and our futures.

Join our weekly video podcast #ajdeclutterMeTime on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for tips on how to get your #meTime
* AJ - Owner, Founder, and CEO of AJ DeClutter Me, LLC
